Can You Steam Satin Pajamas? (Answer + How To)

Steaming is a great way to get wrinkles out of satin pajamas. Using a steamer is an effective, gentle, and convenient way to straighten satin pajamas. Its best to turn your pajamas inside out before steaming, so that you can apply the steam from the backside of the fabric. Hold the mouth of steamer 1-2in. (3-6cm) from the surface of the satin, and use long, slow, downward strokes in order to remove wrinkles.  

This is: Can You Steam Satin Pajamas? (Answer & How to)

can you steam sati pajamas banner image with a man wearing a pair of blue satin pajamas

Using a steamer is a great way to get wrinkles out of cotton, wool, and polyester, but can satin pajamas also be steamed?

Satin is a delicate fabric that is usually made from silk or polyester, and has a specific set of care requirements. 

Continue reading below to find out how to properly use your steamer to get wrinkles out of satin pajamas


Use these guides to ensure that you are providing the absolute best care to your satin pajamas. 

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Can You Steam Satin Pajamas?

Steaming is one of the best ways to get wrinkles out of satin pajamas, since steaming is effective, gentle, safe, and chemical free. Its best to turn your pajamas inside out before steaming, so that you can apply the steam from the backside of the fabric. Hold the mouth of steamer 1-2in. (3-6cm) from the surface of the satin, and use long, slow, downward strokes in order to remove wrinkles.

Satin pajamas are usually made either silk (silk satin) or polyester (synthetic satin). The instructions below are applicable for silk satin pajamas, as well as polyester satin pajamas. To find out which type of fiber your satin pajamas are made from please check the garment's label. 

Related: Silk vs. Polyester (What is the Difference?)

Continue reading to see our step-by-step instructions on how to steam satin pajamas. 

How to Steam Satin Pajamas

It should take you somewhere between 10 to 15 minutes to steam a pair of satin pajamas. Follow the steps below to learn how to properly steam satin pajamas. 

1. Fill Water Tank

Fill the steamer's water tank with fresh, clean water. Avoid using old, stale water to steam satin pajamas.

photo of a person filling up the steamer's water tank in the sink

2. Turn the Steamer On

Turn the steamer on, and allow it to fully power up. If the steamer is dripping or spitting hot water, be sure to wait until it stops before you begin the steaming process. Use a cloth to wipe the droplets and excess water from the mouth of the steamer before before using it.

photo of a steamer emitting hot white steam into the air

3. Turn Pajamas Inside Out

Turn the pajamas inside out and hang them so you are able to steam from the backside of the satin so that the front side of the fabric is protected. 

photo of pajamas turned inside out and hanging from a hanger on the steamer

4. Begin Steaming the Pajamas

Begin steaming the pajamas. Start at the top of the garment and use long downward strokes as you work your way towards the bottom. Keep the mouth of the steamer 1-2in. (3.6cm) from the surface of the satin. 

photo of satin pajamas being steamed

5. Continue Until Wrinkle Free

Repeat the process as necessary and continue to steam until the pajamas are completely wrinkle free

Tip: If your pajamas are made from a thicker satin fabric, such as 22 or 25 momme silk satin, you may have to use upward strokes, as well as steam from the front side of the garment, in order to get out stubborn wrinkles or creases. 

photo of satin pajamas being steamed down the back of the garment

Can You Steam Satin Pajamas FAQ

Can satin fabric be steamed?

As long as the satin is clean, using a steamer is a safe, gentle, and effective method to get wrinkles out of satin fabric. Steaming satin is chemical free, simple to do, and can be done in just a few minutes at home. Steaming satin also helps to kill germs and bacteria, which will help you to get wearings between washes. 

Can steam ruin satin?

Using a steamer will not ruin satin if done properly. Using a steamer is one of the best ways to get wrinkles out of satin clothing and bedding. To steam satin, first turn the garment inside out and hang it so that you can steam from the backside of the satin. Use long and slow downward strokes as you work your way from the top of the garment to the bottom. Keep the steamer 1-2in. (3-6cm) away from the surface of the satin fabric. 

What fabrics should not be steamed?

Fabrics and garments that should not be steamed include suede, velvet, leather, and any other material that could possibly melt from the high temperatures. The majority of wool, cotton, silk, and polyester fabrics can be steamed.

How do you get wrinkles out of satin pjs?

The best way to get wrinkles out of satin pjs is by using an iron. The next best way to get wrinkles out of satin pjs is by using a steamer. Both of these methods are gentle, chemical free, and can be done at home in a matter of minutes.