Does Satin Shrink? (Washing and Drying Satin)

Satin has the ability to shrink if it is not cared for in the proper manner, however the degree of shrinkage to occur will depend on the type of material that was used to make the satin. Satin can be made from different fibers, including cotton, polyester, and most famously, silk. Satin is simply a type of weave, and this weave can be used with a variety of different fibers. Take silk satin for example; satin would be the braid and silk would be the hair if we are comparing silk satin to braided hair.

This is Does Satin Shrink? (Washing and Drying Satin)

does satin shrink banner image

Satin is a soft, smooth fabric that can be made using silk, cotton, polyester, wool, rayon, as well as various other natural and synthetic fibers. Caring for your satin clothing properly will help you to avoid shrinkage as well as to maintain the size, fit, and feel of your satin garments for a longer period of time. 

Whether your garment is made from silk satin, polyester satin, or cotton satin, shrinkage can occur if you do not adhere to the correct care guidelines when using the washing machine and dryer. 

Continue reading to learn how to wash and dry satin without shrinking your clothes.


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Does Satin Shrink?

Satin has the ability to shrink if it is not cared for in the proper manner, however the degree of shrinkage to occur will depend on the type of material that was used to make the satin. 

Satin can be made from different fibers, including cotton, polyester, and most famously, silk. Satin is simply a type of weave, and this weave can be used with a variety of different fibers. Take silk satin for example; satin would be the braid and silk would be the hair if we are comparing silk satin to braided hair.

Satin, no matter what type of fiber it is made from, will shrink to some degree when washed or dried using high levels of heat. This shrinkage occurs because the fibers in the weave become tighter and more dense when placed into a hot environment, which will make your garment appear that it has shrunk.

A cotton satin garment will shrink to an even greater degree since cotton is one of the most shrinkable fibers in existence. 

Polyester satin will not shrink much, as polyester is a man made synthetic fiber that has been treated to be wrinkle and shrink resistant. 

Silk satin's ability to shrink is somewhere in between polyester satin and cotton satin. Silk satin should never shrink however, because silk satin should never be placed into a dryer or washed using hot water. Use cold water when washing your silk satin, and air dry instead of using the dryer.  

Related: Does Silk Shrink?

Does Satin Shrink in the Dryer?

Polyester satin will only shrink in the dryer if it is dried on the tumble dry medium or tumble dry high settings. If your satin garment's care label allows for dryer use, be sure to only use the tumble dry low or air dry settings if you do not wish to shrink it. 

Silk satin will shrink in the dryer, however, this should never occur because silk satin should never be put into the dryer. The tumble action in the dryer will cause damage to the silk fibers, and the high heat will cause the garment to shrink. Hang or lay your silk satin flat to air dry. Do not use the dryer

Related: Does Silk Shrink in the Dryer?

How to Dry Satin Without Shrinking

You may be wondering: Can you put satin in the dryer? The answer is maybe. If the garment is made from silk satin, it should not be put in the dryer. If the garment is made from polyester satin, it may be possible to use the dryer. 

To dry satin without shrinking your best option would be to avoid the dryer completely and choose to hang or lay flat to dry instead. If you choose to air dry this way, find a cool dry place out of contact with direct sunlight and hang or lay your silk satin or polyester satin garment to dry.

If you need to wear your wet polyester garment more quickly, you may choose to use the dryer, should the garment's care label allow for it. Use the dryer on tumble dry low or air dry settings to avoid damaging or shrinking your polyester satin clothing. 

Silk satin should always be air dried, by either hanging or laying flat in a cool dry place out of contact with direct sunlight. 

Continue reading: How to Dry Satin

Does Satin Shrink in the Wash?

Satin will shrink in the wash only if hot water is being used. Use cold water in the washing machine, or lukewarm water when hand washing, and your satin will not shrink. If you would like your silk satin or polyester satin clothing to shrink, then place it into the washing machine and adjust the settings to hot water. You can also boil your satin in a pot of water to shrink. 

Heat shrinks clothing, so stay away from heat and your satin clothing won't shrink!

Related: Does Silk Shrink in the Wash?

How to Wash Satin Without Shrinking

To wash satin properly, first turn your garment inside out and then place it into a mesh laundry bag. Place the laundry bag into the washing machine and add detergent. If your garment is polyester satin, add gentle laundry detergent. If your garment is silk satin then add silk detergent or detergent for delicates. Adjust the washing machine's settings to cold water, delicate, and adjust to the shortest rinse cycle duration possible. Press start and dry appropriately once finished. 

Continue reading: How to Wash Satin

Related: How to Clean Satin

Does Satin Shrink FAQ

Can you put satin in the dryer?

Silk satin can never be placed into the dryer under any circumstances. Polyester satin can be dried using the tumble dry low as well as air dry settings while in the dryer. 

Does satin shrink?

Satin does shrink. Cotton satin will shrink the most if placed into a wash or dryer cycle at high heat. Silk satin will shrink slightly as well, while polyester satin will not shrink much. 

How do you shrink satin clothes?

Shrink satin clothing by placing the clothes into the washing machine on the highest heat levels possible. Once the wash cycle is complete, proceed to move the clothes into the dryer, and dry on the tumble dry high setting.

Do satin sheets shrink in dryer?

Cotton satin sheets will shrink in the dryer if they are placed in the dryer on the tumble dry high setting. Polyester satin should never be dried on tumble dry high and silk satin should not be placed into the dryer at all, and therefore they both should not shrink in the dryer. Use the dryer on tumble dry low or air dry to avoid shrinking your satin sheets. If you would like to shrink your sheets, then use the tumble dry high setting.